1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
//! This crate provides easy-to-use functionality for managing settings files
//! that are based on templates (e.g. `.env` and `.env.dist` files).
//! This crate assumes that the files it manages are `key=value` pairs which it
//! understands. It will add keys to the settings if they exist in the template file
//! and optionally it'll remove keys from the settings file if they are absent from
//! the template file.
//! ## Parsing files
//! This example shows how you can easily read existing files into [`Settings`] struct's
//! with the function [`deserialize()`].
//! [`Settings`] are the foundation for any further processing by this crate.
//! ```no_run
//! // read_file returns a std::io::Result<String>
//! let settings = renvy::read_file("./.env");
//! assert!(settings.is_ok());
//! if let Ok(settings) = settings {
//! // renvy::deserialize consumes this String and returns an instance of renvy::Settings
//! let settings: renvy::Settings = renvy::deserialize(&settings);
//! println!("Number of settings read: {}", &settings.len());
//! settings.iter().for_each(|(key, value)| {
//! println!("{:?}: {:?}\n", key, value);
//! });
//! } else {
//! println!("Unable to read settings file!");
//! }
//! // you can use the same function for reading settings and template files
//! let defaults = renvy::read_file("./.env.dist");
//! assert!(defaults.is_ok());
//! if let Ok(defaults) = defaults {
//! // we're reusing the same data structure for defaults
//! let defaults: renvy::Settings = renvy::deserialize(&defaults);
//! println!("Number of defaults read: {}", &defaults.len());
//! defaults.iter().for_each(|(key, value)| {
//! println!("{:?}: {:?}\n", key, value);
//! });
//! } else {
//! println!("Unable to read defaults file!");
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Updating settings based on template
//! [`merge()`] allows you to update settings based on an existing template.
//! New keys in the template will be added to the settings with the default
//! value given in the template.
//! ```
//! // settings file contains 1 key-value pair
//! let settings = renvy::Settings::from([("domain".into(), Some("https://benjaminsattler.net".into()))]);
//! // defaults file contains 1 other key-value pair
//! let defaults = renvy::Settings::from([("port".into(), Some("433".into()))]);
//! // merging defaults with settings will result in a new object merge::settings
//! // that contains 2 key-value pairs:
//! //
//! // - "domain" because it was already present in `settings`
//! // - "port" because it was present in defaults
//! let merged = renvy::merge(settings, defaults, None);
//! assert!(merged.get("domain").is_some());
//! assert_eq!(merged.get("domain").unwrap(), &Some(String::from("https://benjaminsattler.net")));
//! assert!(merged.get("port").is_some());
//! assert_eq!(merged.get("port").unwrap(), &Some(String::from("433")));
//! ```
//! ## Cleaning up extra settings
//! You can also remove any key from the user settings that are missing from defaults
//! by passing `Some(true)` to the optional third parameter of [`merge()`]:
//! ```
//! // settings file contains 1 key-value pair
//! let settings = renvy::Settings::from([("domain".into(), Some("https://benjaminsattler.net".into()))]);
//! // defaults file contains 1 other key-value pair
//! let defaults = renvy::Settings::from([("port".into(), Some("433".into()))]);
//! // merging defaults with settings will result in a new object merge::settings
//! // that contains only 1 key-value pair. The key "domain" will be removed because
//! // it does not exist in the defaults:
//! //
//! // - "port" because it was present in defaults
//! let merged = renvy::merge(settings, defaults, Some(true));
//! assert!(merged.get("domain").is_none());
//! assert!(merged.get("port").is_some());
//! assert_eq!(merged.get("port").unwrap(), &Some(String::from("433")));
//! ```
//! ## Writing merged results back to a file
//! The final step is to persist the merged result back into the settings file
//! by invoking [`serialize()`] and [`write_file()`].
//! ```no_run
//! // first we're serializing the object renvy::Settings into a String
//! # let merged = renvy::Settings::from([]);
//! let merged = renvy::serialize(&merged);
//! // then we take that String and write it back into the original settings file
//! let result = renvy::write_file("./.env", &merged);
//! // write_file returns a std::io::Result<()>
//! assert!(result.is_ok());
//! ```
mod io;
mod merge;
pub mod prelude;
mod serde;
pub use io::{read_file, write_file};
pub use merge::{merge, Key, Settings, Value};
pub use serde::{deserialize, serialize};